Forge Leadership Podcast. Episode 22 : James Lawrence
As the director of the CPAS development team and Arrow Leadership Programme, James Lawrence lives and breathes what he teaches. More than just the raison d’etre for Arrow and Growing Leaders, James really does exist to help church leaders to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus.
In this interview with Simon Barrington James talks about that calling.
“One of the key things in leadership is to understand that you you actually resolve problems and you manage tensions. Don’t get them the wrong way round. And I think there’s a lot of wisdom in that because if you try to resolve. Yeah, if you try to resolve tensions and manage problems you end up in a mess. And actually what you need to do is you need to resolve problems- here is a problem, it needs sorting, we need to find a way through. That requires leadership”
In this episode you will learn :
- The distinctive of Christian Leadership
- How to tell the difference between a problem to be solved and tension to be held
- The marks of a Millennial Leader
Show Notes
Click here for a detailed transcription of this episode
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