Forge Leadership Podcast. Episode 16 : Steve Adams

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Steve Adams

Founder and Creative Director

CentreBrain Communications


Steve Adams has spent his career helping people, companies, charities and churches become persuasive – because persuasion is the bread and butter of progress. When you communicate, how clear are you on what prompts response in an audiences brain? In 2017 Steve published a book called CentreBrain which identifies how communication prompts, and harnesses the normally subconscious Limbic brain.

Steve works with a range of people, organisations and charities helping them apply the prompts and principles to their communications, brand and story. In this episode, Steve explains how the CentreBrain works and how you can be more effective as a leader in communication by understanding this.

“Why is it that organizations and leaders specifically, are not as persuasive or influential as they would like to be? Or as they know they can be? I set out to try and answer that not just from saying well let’s try this tactic, let’s try that idea, start with a story then, use a stat or whatever, great as those are, but I said well surely in the brain we should be able to understand a little bit more about what it is that if you trigger in someone else’s brain that is going to lead to action. So that’s it. The CentreBrain is the brain’s action area. And it’s where leaders need to speak to if they want to elicit a response rather than a conclusion.

In this episode you will learn :

  • Why you are being less effective and influential than you would like to be
  • How you can take your communications to the next level
  • Why your fundraising may be failing
  • They five prompts that elicit action in your audiences brain


CentreBrain Communications


Show Notes

Click here for a detailed transcription of this episode

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